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EduBrite Assessment available in Google Apps EDU

EduBrite has added its Assessment product in EDU category of Google Apps Marketplace which is launched today.  EduBrite Assessment in Google Apps offers several benefits like Single Sign On with Google Apps, User Provisioning and OpenSocial gadget to deliver assessments and surveys inside iGoogle. Apps administrators can signup for the Assessment product from the product listing page in the apps marketplace and create an EduBrite microsite for their domain.

Administrators can easily setup all their domain users in microsite and start assessing the users who could be students in schools and colleges or professionals taking trainings in corporates. With OpenSocial gadget, users of the iGoogle can access all features of EduBrite Assessment without leaving their iGoogle page. EduBrite Assessment offers several ways to deliver the assessments like practice tests, quizzes, scheduled exams, assignments, surveys & peer reviews. It also provides authoring tools for creating the tests and surveys online.

Learn more about EduBrite Assessment for Google Apps