EduBrite was acquired by LinkedIn in June 2022. As a result, we are pausing new business development moving forward.

EduBrite’s Mobile App for iPad

And we finally got the mail from iTunes Store – “Your app status is Processing for App Store” and within 10 minutes another one came – “Your app status is Ready for Sale“. It was one of eureka moment for all of us at EduBrite.

In the past one month or so, we went thru couple of cycles from Submission to “In review” to “App Submission Feedback” mails (and Feedback means Rejected). It is a long agonizing wait after submission, you just wait for 8 days or so for your app’s turn, and hope to get green light. And each feedback although small causes full repeat of the cycle… at times you wonder, would it take longer to get approval than what it took to develop….

Those of you who have gone through iOS app approval process, know what this is all about! Now after few days, and finally getting approval, it doesn’t look that bad, after all we had just couple of soft rejections nothing major, for a reasonably complex app which does quite a lot of useful stuff.

So now, we finally have first version of our Mobile App for iPad in app store!!!  With this, we has now added yet another integration besides Google Apps and Atlassian Confluence. As a platform, EduBrite’s APIs are rock solid, anyone can build their own app as well using our APIs.

Here is what you can do with this app:

  • First, download on your iPad and Launch
  • Next, if you know your company’s training url (if they are using EduBrite business edition) and your user id and password, just login using that info
  • Otherwise, you can use demo microsite we have made for folks who want to see the app in action. Just enter in the microsite url and use Signup feature in the app to create your own user id (its all free)
  • Once you login, you can look at some preview courses which show examples of different types of content in the courses – like streaming video, PDF, Powerpoint, Vimeo, YouTube and Quizzes
  • You can take notes while going thru the courses, enroll in any course session and complete it end to end to get your completion certificate. Try World Facts course which would not take more than 5 minutes to go end to end
  • These are pretty much the key functionality provided in the app besides tracking of activities, offline content viewing, email, print etc

If you like to read more, watch a demo video go to our website. Send us your feedback, as we have already started working on the next version (to be released in Dec) and would like to incorporate your feature requests. And if you are attending DevLearn 2012 starting from Oct 31, you can meet us in booth #624.